Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When You Can't Sleep, Start the Countdown... 161 days...

So it seems that it is hard to sleep when you go back to caffeinated tea after three months of decaf. Early this morning, I decided to count down the days until the wedding. 161 days... still seems like a long time away. Every day, I am ecstatic thinking about a laid back sunset wedding on the beach in southern California complete with bonfire and surfing the next morning (for the boys, not me... there are SHARKS in the water).

But to be thankful - I am thankful that I still have time for my hair to grow longer and that my kidlet has started writing a speech - of his own accord. Of course, it starts off with him apologizing if his own good looks distract from the bride and groom but... baby steps. At least I know that he won't be dealing with self esteem issues when he hits middle school.

I am thankful today for friends who can camouflage my gray hair with fantastic blonde highlights making me feel better than I have in over a month. Yay. I am also grateful for having a friend who, while calling me an ass and letting me know she loves me (in a nonsexual way despite what some people insist of my owning a Subaru and of my constantly telling her how sexy and hot she is), tell me like it is. Double yay. A brutally honest friend who can make me look fantastic - what a precious, essential gift!

So, as my essential gift friend pointed out, to continue with the mushy gushy everyday journal of gratitude for my betrothed: I am thankful that he is so incredibly giving of his time and friendship to the kidlet and, every night, when it is time for bed all I wish for is that... he would stop chatting with the kidlet about video games! If a 6'3" paramedic is easy pickings for the beguiling powers of my blue eyed charmer, God helps us if we have a daughter.