Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One Month of Giving Thanks Done! 11 More to Go...

January 30 & 31, 2012

I owe two days of thanks.

I am SO thankful that for TWO nights in a row, my pseudoaneorxic kid not only ate but ENJOYED the dinner I made... and one was even from the no-fun elimination hypoallergenic diet. Yay.

I am also thankful that my reluctant academic acknowledged in his self-evaluation that, if your mother is a French teacher, getting a B in grade 5 Core French just doesn't cut it... and that he shouldn't be so "cocky" (his word, not mine).

And, seriously, if you're not thankful that there is a Michael Jackson themed Glee on tonight - you might want to get checked out 'cuz there is probably something wrong with your wiring. Yippee Skippee. Although I really wish that Dianna Argon would get rid of those freakin' grannie shoes.

As for the paramedic, I am grateful that he always seems to know when to bring me a cup of tea. ;) It is always so very appreciated that, although he is so incredibly laid back, he will give me his honest opinion when it really matters.

After a month of doing this, I can honestly say two things:

1. It is SO EASY to find something to be thankful for everyday.
2. I need to find alternative words for thankful and grateful 'cuz it's getting rather repetitive.