Saturday, February 4, 2012

Talking a Big Game and Squeaky Toys

February 3, 2012

Today I am thankful for people who can tell me with a laugh and a smile that I talk a big game and I really appreciate it that he uses the term "we." I guess I am really too little to be tough.

Even though today I was referred to as both royalty and some sort of superhero, I am super duper thankful that I came to my senses nine years ago. What was I thinking!?!

And, although I find it super annoying that he never seems to suffer the consequences of exploring the many flavours of beer and wine, I am grateful to the paramedic and all that he brings to my life.

And I am also thankful - believe it or not - that my mother bought this annoying stuffed hamster that repeats what you say in a squeaky voice because it is really freakin' funny to watch a drunk guy play with it.