Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tears & Sadness

On a day where my child spent Mother's Day with another woman and quite possibly the meanest man to ever live, I am hard pressed to find something amusing to be thankful for.

I am thankful for tears and how sometimes they are the only way to express just how sad you feel. When you can't possibly find the words to express yourself, they seem to say it all.

At the end of today, just like the end of every day, I am so incredibly thankful that I no longer live with a man who is the embodiment of evil. I am grateful that I am not a woman who is so insecure and weak in spirit that I fail to see what is wrong with a man who tells a woman she deserves a miscarriage and who makes sure that a child does not spend Mother's Day with his own mother...

Because, today, I realize that it is okay to be sad and I am thankful for that. And I am so incredibly grateful to know that it will pass quickly because having known true evil makes me appreciate the goodness and lightness that has become a part of my daily life.