Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Paramedics and Dog Barf

Today, I am most certainly grateful for the apparent immunity the paramedic has to dog barf... and the joy he receives from watching me gag, whine and generally freak out.

Watching your dog barf all over the dinig room carpet (WHO puts carpet in a dining room?!?!) in a house we have lived in just over a week is not the best way for a non-morning person to start off their day. It is doubly worse if you are a reactionary barfer. I mean, seriously, that stuff is so disgusting.

So, today, it seems that the paramedic should thank me for the comedy routine that is me dealing with dog barf because it seems to leave him giggling all day long.

I am just thankful that he cleaned it all up... but I could do without the analysis of the contents.