Tonight I give thanks for good old trashy television. Yes, I am educated. Yes, I am fairly intelligent. Yes, I am a news junkie. And, yes, I love trash TV.
I give thanks for shows like GCB - debuting tonight - that allow me to dream of living in a world of such frivolity and luxury yet maintain my feeling of moral superiority.
I also give thanks that Sarah Palin never made it anywhere near the White House because we would never be "blessed" with such good humoured, tongue in cheek fictional entertainment. We'd just have to watch it unfold at the American capital.
In other news: It has been a few days - as I have been reminded not too subtly many times - since I gave thanks for the paramedic. Today, I just feel thankful to have such an indescribably wonderful person in my life. As I try to steer away from the gushiness that I seem to have fallen victim to, I will just say: "yippee skippee" I get to be his wife in 125 days.
I am also thankful for my resourceful friend who emailed me flyers for grocery stores from across the border... maybe we might be able to make a $400 per month food budget just yet... we will up our gasoline budget but heh... no system is perfect.