Monday, June 18, 2012

Celebrating All The Special Days...

It was one year ago yesterday that the paramedic and I had our first official date. It was also the first and last time he ate tofu (at least that is what he thinks)... but that part we did not celebrate.
In addition to being thankful for my dad as part of the Hallmark holiday of Father's Day, yesterday's giving thanks was a total no brainer. I am so thankful that I went on that date last year despite having the world's worst headache and an incredible amount of trepidation... what a wonderful gift that one decision brought into my life. Thank you to the wonderful ladies in my life who nudged me along the way.

As we celebrated our life as a couple - and most importantly our friendship - the paramedic made an offhand remark that next year we will be able to bypass this anniversary to celebrate a different one. Ummmm (insert sound of screeching brakes)... wait just a minute. Why celebrate just one special day when there are many more? The first meeting is the starting off point to all those special ones so I believe it needs to be celebrated just as much as the wedding anniversary... because without it, there would be nothing else. That Friday evening last June was the "big bang" (if you will) for all of the incredible things that I give thanks for every day. And I intend to celebrate that every year.

My brother joked to the paramedic that he needed to get used to celebrating everything... including the first time we ate rice together, the first time we sneezed in unison, blah blah blah... and everyone laughed. I laughed too but it got me thinking. Why not celebrate all those wonderful firsts? Our memories are so much a part of what makes us who we are... celebrating all the silly special days helps remind us how truly lucky we are for all that we have. And, as he patrols the house, picking up all my flip flops scattered in every room and organizing the counter clutter, I hope he will always reminder and celebrate that special day when he first collected all my shoes, returned them to the closet and figured out how many pairs there actually are :).

So yesterday, like everyday, I ended it by saying "Thank you for choosing me" out of the millions to choose from.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu

Never, in all my life, have I known such strength and courage. I am so incredibly excited for what lies ahead for us as a couple and as a family. I cannot wait to begin each day with you.