Move over Liz Gilbert with your sappy story of Eat, Love, Pray but thank you for the idea of giving my past six months three verbs to use to describe it. Unlike Gilbert I do not have an editor willing to support me on a year where my sole focus is on finding my joy while I travel the world. Instead, my verbs come from how I choose to lead my life given the circumstances which have currently presented themselves to me.
These are the three I choose: Laugh, Shop, Wander.
Laugh: I choose to laugh and to find the ability to laugh everywhere. I see humour every day in everything. I choose to surround myself with people who choose to laugh and who remind me to laugh. I seek out laughter - in the films I watch, the songs I listen to, the conversations I have, the stories I tell, the methods I use to teach, the activities in which I participate and the lense in which I choose to view my life. You try to beat me down? I laugh at the ridiculousness that is you. Laughter... with some faith... is my religion.
Shop: My shoe collection has grown exponentially in the past six months. I have chosen to embrace my love of this sport... hahaha. What else can I say? To have shop is my second verb is a much smarter choice than drink or gamble.
Wander: This verb came to me as a byproduct of my circumstance. However, I have chosen to embrace this verb. I have wandered. I have tried out homes, taken a train trip, flown several times, road trips and even tried traveling for work. Wander. While I miss my things and having my own private place in the world, I am learning to embrace the freedom and adventure that this action provides. As a young adult, all I wanted to do is wander and somehow I lost my way. Funny on how letting such an evil person into my life has allowed me to rediscover my desire to wander.
Will my year end in Indonesia with Javier Bardem? Doubtful... that fate is currently left to Penelope Cruz. Will my year end in an adventure? I certainly hope so and if I have my own Javier Bardem to keep me company... even better.
Laugh, Shop, Wander... what will my three verbs be in six months time?