It's amazing what some people just can't let go of... I admit it took me a long time to just chalk negative experiences up to all part of the journey and to focus on the here and now. A little over a year ago, I received a rather amusing letter (although I think the intention was to threaten and cause fear) advising me that I needed to govern myself accordingly. Every now and then, I think about this ridiculous "advice" and its source. It never fails to make me laugh. I am pretty sure I govern myself accordingly but still wonder to whose standards I was expected to hold myself to. I generally hold myself to my own and it seems to work pretty well.
I recently read one of those annoying photo things that people share on Facebook which read something like "Why do we keep people in our lives who have already left?" This is hilarious considering that a lot of our "friends" on Facebook are not people who are actively a part of our lives. But it also makes me think about those people whose lives we have left who just cannot let go.
A couple of weeks ago, a negative comment showed up on one of my posts calling me a whiner and a lazy loser. So weird. I see absolutely no point in someone making a comment like this. To hurt me? It's a cowardly comment made by someone who did not identify themselves. Certainly it was from someone who I have chosen to exclude from my life; an anonymous comment on a blog won't change that. I deleted the comment.
Another nasty one - from a blog post nearly nine months ago - showed up yesterday. A comment made in the middle of the work day. I wonder if I should feel flattered that I had such an impact on someone's life that they are reading through old blog posts in the middle of a work day. I am not flattered - just sad. I feel sad for this person that they aren't able to figure out that you shouldn't keep people in your life who have already left.
So, anonymous commentator, please remember that while you are thinking of nasty things to say, I am so thankful for all the wonderful people, experiences and things in my life today and tomorrow that I just want to share it with whoever is willing to read it. Sorry you can't say the same.