Saturday, February 25, 2012

Screw teaching, I'm going to be a MLA...

This is what I have figured out about myself: I like being right, but I love it when people agree with my being right!

Although I know better, I can't help but post comments on regarding the teacher's strike. Boy do some people hate teachers... I wonder if it is just Christy Clark using different log-ins?!?! Many of the spelling and grammatical errors indicate the commentators are people who did not attend or complete university so it it quite possible that it is her...

And, I have to admit, I go back and check to see if I get more 'thumbs up" than "thumbs down" for my comments. And the narcissist in me is happy to report, I do! Yay! Like way more... double yay! (As of right now, 106 thumbs up for this post)

My latest post:

Christy Clark does not need to worry about public education in BC - she put her own kid in private school. She has no vested interest in public education. Her vested interest remains with winning an election and securing her overly generous and outrageous pension.

Her interest is in stripping away everyone's right to negotiated agreements - starting with teachers is the easiest way to get the ball rolling since the general public ignorantly believes that we are over paid, 6 hours per day, 9 month per year workers.
So many comments on these sites are about "your" tax money being used to pay teachers. These people are educating YOUR children - these people contribute to the upbringing of YOUR children. Teachers do not make six figure incomes. Your MLA, however, does. What exactly does your MLA contribute to YOUR child's life?

How much of YOUR tax dollar is going to your MLA?

On top of a base salary of $101k per year, each MLA receives:

Travel allowances for within their own consitutency of between $3100 and $11500 QUARTERLY. Teachers do not get reimbursed for driving to work.

$119k per year for running an office. I don't know of any teacher who gets more than - if they are lucky - a couple hundred dollars for classrooms supplies. Most of that money comes from fundraising from PAC.

$19k per year living allowance for Victoria - where they are for less than six months per year.

$61 per diem food and expenses for time in Victoria. So that is 4 days per week for about 20 weeks - so roughly $4880 handed out with no documentation required.

We also pay for them to travel around the province 12 times per year. Budget? Not listed; they get a travel Visa.

"Additional responsibilites" gives them additional income...

Who is wasting YOUR tax dollar?

And I can't help it but I have to paste in my favourite reply (copied exactly as it was written):

"they represent every person in the province not like you you only represent people that have kids in the school system , oh right you dont it only your own self serving interst , detroy all unions"

Some smart ass suggested I get off my butt and run for provincial government, hell ya! Four days per week, six months a year with a six figure income plus six figures for "work related" expenses? And I only need to work two terms for a full pension, right? Sweet... where do I sign up?